YLS Announces 37 Public Interest Fellowship Recipients for 2016-2017
Yale Law School is proud to congratulate the 37 students and recent graduates who have been named recipients of public interest fellowships for 2016-2017.

Judge Patricia Millett to Give Anderson Lecture on April 18
Judge Patricia Millett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will give the Robert P. Anderson Lecture on “Repairing the House Divided: Lawyers as Healers.”

Soros Fellowships Awarded to Eric Chung ’17 & Aisha Saad ’18
Eric Chung ’17 and Aisha Saad ’18 have been named Paul & Daisy Soros New American Fellows for 2016. The fellowships are awarded to immigrants or the children of immigrants to support their graduate study at any university in the United States.

Critical Race Theory Conference to be Held April 9
Race (In)Action: The 2016 Critical Race Theory Conference will be held on Saturday, April 9, at Yale Law School.

Students Launch Pilot Program to Aid Residents Facing Foreclosure
For residents on the verge of losing their homes, facing a foreclosure proceeding in court is an experience fraught with anxiety and confusion.

Vets Clinic Highlights Need to Protect Veterans from Predatory Colleges
Senator Richard Blumenthal ’73 and the advocacy group Veterans Education Success have called on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to act against the deceptive recruitment of veterans by predatory colleges citing a recent legal memorandum produced by the Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School.

Boudewijn Sirks to Deliver Lecture on Roman Law
Boudewijn Sirks, Emeritus Regius Professor of Civil Law at University of Oxford, will give a dean’s lecture on April 7 at 4:30 p.m. The lecture is titled “Will the real Roman Law please stand up? Pandectism, promissory estoppel and other aspects of Roman Law.”

Bernstein Symposium, April 7–8, to Focus on Art and Human Rights
The Robert L. Bernstein International Human Rights Symposium will be held April 7–8, 2016. This year’s event is part of JUNCTURE: Explorations in Art and Human Rights.