MFIA Clinic Receives Grant from Legal Clinics Fund
The Media Freedom and Information Access (MFIA) Clinic has received a $230,000 grant to help fund a new fellow to lead the Clinic’s initiative for local journalists.

Q&A with Professor Samuel Moyn on Supreme Court Reform
Professor Moyn argues the goal of Supreme Court reform shouldn’t be to make the Court less ideological, but to make it less powerful. He discusses what inspired his interest on this topic and what types of reforms he thinks should be considered in this highly polarized moment.

Yale Law School Announces The Millstone Fund for Criminal Justice Reform
A gift from Yale College alumni Jennifer Millstone ’00 and David Millstone ’99 will help launch students and recent graduates as they take on the challenges of reshaping the criminal justice landscape.

Lighting Up the Path to Law School
The Law School Access Program aims to serve first-generation, low-income, and under-represented minority students from New Haven by lighting up the pathway to successfully applying to law school and launching their legal careers.

Camila Bustos ’21 Awarded Switzer Fellowship
Camila Bustos ’21 is among 20 environmental scholars nationwide to be named a 2020 Switzer Environmental Fellow.

Liman Center Releases Updated Report on Solitary Confinement
The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law and the Correctional Leaders Association have released "Time-In-Cell 2019: A Snapshot of Restrictive Housing," the only comprehensive, current national data on the number of prisoners in solitary confinement.

Paul Tsai China Center Promotes U.S.-China Communication Amid Bilateral Strains
The Paul Tsai China Center has sponsored and organized dialogues between non-official experts and academics with Chinese counterparts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

MFIA Clinic Files Appeal in Case on Public Right to Witness Executions
The Media Freedom and Information Access (MFIA) Clinic has appealed the dismissal of its Virginia lawsuit asserting a constitutional right to witness executions.