Dean Robert C. Post ’77 Welcomes the Class of 2017
Dean Robert C. Post ’77 welcomed the Class of 2017 on Wednesday, August 27, 2014. The incoming class includes a diverse group of students coming from 8 different countries, 36 different states, and 77 different undergraduate institutions.
Citizens Divided: Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution—A Book by Dean Robert C. Post ’77
The Nature of Public Opinion In 2010, a sharply divided U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal prohibition on independent corporate campaign expenditures—and ushered in a controversial new electoral era in which money has flooded political elections. The landmark Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission divided the country just as sharply as it did the court, which ruled 5-4 in favor of striking down a federal prohibition on independent corporate campaign spending. Reactions from both sides of the issue were equally vehement. Advocates of electoral reform railed...
Veterans Legal Services Clinic Files Lawsuit Seeking to End Discrimination Against Military Sex Assault Survivors
Yale Law School's Veterans Legal Services Clinic files suit against the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to obtain judicial review of the VA's refusal to revise rules that discriminate against survivors of military sexual trauma.
SELA Celebrates 20th Anniversary in Peru
Scholars and lawyers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, and the United States met in Peru to celebrate the 20th anniversary of SELA - The Seminar in Latin America on Constitutional and Political Theory (SELA).
The Intersection of Theory and Practice
The Law School’s Ph.D. in Law program joins a panoply of courses, clinics, and programs that have, in recent years, strengthened the bond between theory and practice at Yale Law School. The Ethics Bureau, Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic, and the Media Freedom and Information Access Practicum are just a few of the projects that provide hands-on learning opportunities for students to work on groundbreaking national issues. The Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization offers such cutting-edge clinics as the Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic, Veterans Legal Services Clinic, and the...
SFALP Students Assist in California Lead Paint Case
After 13 years, 10 California jurisdictions received a $1.1 billion verdict in a victory over three manufacturers of lead-based paint. Students in the San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Project have worked closely with the San Francisco City Attorney's Office on this case since 2006, making it one of SFALP's longest running projects.
Memorial Service for Professor Quintin Johnstone ’51 JSD Set for November 9
Yale Law School Professor Quintin Johnstone died in June 2014 in Hamden, Connecticut. Johnstone was the Justus S. Hotchkiss Professor Emeritus of Law at Yale Law School. He was 99 years old.
Former Female Federal Inmates Push For Sentencing Reforms
A Liman Fellow from Yale Law School was among a team of people awarded a Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) award earlier this month at the Association of American Law Schools Clinical Conference in Puerto Rico.