Kenyan Anti-Corruption Activist to Deliver the Coca-Cola World Fund at Yale Lecture
John Githongo, one of Kenya’s most prominent anti-corruption activists and CEO of INUKA Ni Sisi!, will give the annual Coca-Cola World Fund at Yale Lecture on Wednesday, February 11. Read more here.
The 21st Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference Scheduled for February 20–21
The 21st annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference (RebLaw) will be held on Friday, February 20th, and Saturday, February 21, 2015, at Yale Law School.
Stan Wheeler Memorial Jazz Concert Scheduled for March 1
The eighth annual Stan Wheeler Memorial Jazz Concert will take place on March 1, 2015, featuring the Yale Jazz Ensemble and the Reunion Jazz Ensemble.

Lending Help
In the wake of the mortgage foreclosure crisis, a Yale Law School clinic fights for the rights of homeowners trying to stay afloat amidst complex and quickly evolving legal realities.
The Art of the Deal—New Business Simulation Courses Combine Theory and Practice
For students interested in business law, the immersion into the intricacies of high-stakes corporate transactions is an exciting prospect, but one that too often remains unsatisfyingly abstract.

Robina Foundation Human Rights Fellowship
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (art. 1), adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of December 10, 1948

Unfinished Business: Reflections from an Alumna
Adapted From Remarks By Patricia M. Wald ’51, Presented to the Yale Law School Association of Washington, D C Annual dinner, July 10, 2014
Governor Malloy Announces Criminal Justice Reforms at Yale Law School
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy held a press conference today to announce his “Second Chance Society” initiatives.