Jason Furman to Deliver Winter Lecture on Feb. 26
Jason Furman, the Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy jointly at the Harvard Kennedy School and the Department of Economics at Harvard University, will deliver the 2023–2024 Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture on Feb. 26.

Experts Discuss Organ Transplant System Reform With Focus on Racial Equity
A Solomon Center panel explored the problems and proposed changes to how organs for transplantation are allocated in the U.S.

Yale Law School Faculty Address Colorado Supreme Court Case
Yale Law School faculty have commented in the media, written op-eds, and submitted amicus briefs in Trump v. Anderson, the case from the Colorado Supreme Court which ordered former President Donald Trump to be excluded from the state’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.

Kate Braner ’93 Named Liman Center Executive Director
Katherine Braner ’93 will be the next Executive Director of the Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law.
Hurst Horizon Scholarship Gives Students Freedom in Law School and Beyond
The Soledad ’92 and Robert Hurst Horizon Scholarship Program has expanded to remove cost as a barrier to law school for even more students — a total of 75 for this academic year. Since Yale Law School launched the program two years ago under Dean Heather K. Gerken’s leadership, several peer institutions have followed suit, creating a new trend for financial aid in legal education.

Judith Resnik and Vicki C. Jackson ’75 Honored for Federal Courts Scholarship
Arthur Liman Professor of Law Judith Resnik and Vicki C. Jackson ’75 have been honored with the 2024 Daniel J. Meltzer Lifetime Achievement Award.
Climate on Trial
Yale Law School alumni are fighting in the courts — and nearly every other arena — to hold government officials and private companies accountable for their contributions to climate change.

Yale Law and Medicine Host Symposium on Elder Fraud and Abuse
The Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School will host a symposium “Innovating Elder Justice: Law, Medicine, and Technology to Address Abuse and Financial Exploitation in Today’s Aging Society.