Digital Rights Protection in Times of War and Humanitarian Crisis

Apr. 11, 2024
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Baker Room 419
Open to the Yale Community

Please join the Schmidt Program on Artificial Intelligence at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs for a panel on digital rights protection in times of war and humanitarian crisis. 

In 2022 Asaf Lubin '20 released the co-edited anthology The Rights to Privacy and Data Protection in Times of Armed Conflict (NATO CCDCOE). Prof. Lubin will expand from this work to discuss the increasing risks generated by the recent embrace by international courts and organizations of privacy-invasive technologies. These technologies and the process of datafication that enables their deployment help to reproduce and perpetuate inequality. Prof. Lubin will put a spotlight on the illiberal and data colonialist trends centered at the heart of these otherwise well-intentioned datafication projects.

David Simon (Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs, Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era (MADE) initiative) will serve as the discussant. Artur Pericles L. Monteiro will moderate.

Food provided.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Schmidt Program on Artificial Intelligence at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs

Co-sponsored by the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and the Yale Journal of International Law