Financial Literacy Workshop: Applied Excel

Feb. 9, 2024
10:00AM - 1:00PM
Baker Room 116
Open to the YLS Community Only

This workshop will commence with an Excel Best Practices refresher and continue to explore the following:

  • Excel Best Practices refresher
  • Working with Client Data
    • Text to columns
    • Text functions within Excel: LEFT, RIGHT, UPPER, LOWER, CONCATENATE
  • Analyzing Data
    • Lookup functions (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP)
    • Indirect, INDEX and MATCH Functions
    • Analyzing data using IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF, and Nested IF functions
    • Pivot Tables
  • Scenario Analysis
    • Sensitivity analysis including data tables
    • Conditional formatting
    • Scenario analysis using CHOOSE & OFFSET functions
    • Utilizing "named" cells

The February 9th workshop will be taught by Angela Loregian, Ph.D., Mathematics for Financial Markets Analysis, from Training the Street. Angela was a former Senior Researcher, Instructor, and Consultant at ARPM LLC.

Open to YLS students only. 

Sponsoring Organization(s)

The Tsai Leadership Program