Land Use and the Energy Transition

Feb. 1, 2024
12:00PM - 1:30PM
SLB Room 122
Open to the Yale Community

The rapid build-out of solar and wind energy is underway, and land use law is where the rubber meets the road. Siting, permitting, zoning, agricultural use requirements, and conservation easements are often what determine whether renewable energy projects get built. Come learn about the intersection of land use law and energy policy. Our panelists are Lee Hoffman, a leading energy law practitioner in Connecticut, and Matthew Eisenson '15, who leads the Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. Professor Anika Singh Lemar will moderate the conversation. Non-pizza lunch will be served.

Sponsored by the Yale Law School Center for Private Law. 

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Yale Law School Center for Private Law