Marvin A. Chirelstein Colloquium: A Conversation with The Hon. Michael E. Farbiarz ’99

Feb. 5, 2025
12:10PM - 1:00PM
SLB Room 128
Open to the Yale Community

Moderated by Roberta Romano '80, YLS Sterling Professor of Law and Co-Director of the YLS Center for the Study of Corporate Law.  

Lunch will be available shortly after 12:00 p.m. and the Colloquium will start at 12:10 p.m.

Please register by Thursday, January 30th. 

The Hon. Michael E. Farbiarz ’99 has been a District Judge in New Jersey since 2023.  Prior to that, he served for 7 years as the General Counsel of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, one of the largest public agencies in the United States.  As General Counsel, he managed a law department of around 120 people and, among other things, oversaw the negotiation and documentation of numerous large infrastructure transactions, including the two then-largest public-private partnerships in U.S. history and a number of multi-billion dollar transactions, including a $15 billion+ deal to remake JFK airport.  Prior to that, Judge Farbiarz served for more than 10 years as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY).  He received the Department of Justice’s single highest annual award, and focused on terrorism, counter-espionage, and arms-trafficking - including serving as Co-Chief of the SDNY’s national security-focused unit from 2010-2014.  In addition, Judge Farbiarz has taught law full-time (for two years, at NYU), worked at a law firm, and served as a law clerk (for Judge Cabranes on the Second Circuit and for Chief Judge Mukasey on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York). He attended Harvard College and Yale Law School.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law

Yale Law & Business Society

The Career Development Office

The Chae Initiative in Private Sector Leadership

The Ludwig Program in Public Sector Leadership