Panel Discussions: TWAIL, Geopolitical Competition, and Non-Western Imperialisms in International Law

Apr. 12, 2024
9:30AM - 5:45PM
SLB Room 122
Open to the YLS Community Only

10:00-11:15am Panel 1: Political economy 

Presenters:  Wanshu Cong, Anastasiya Kotova, and Parvathi Menon (Zoom), Chair: Rose Parfitt (Zoom)

11:15 am-12:30pm Panel 2: Palestine/Middle East Geopolitics

Presenters: Maryam Jamshidi, Darryl Li, and John Reynolds, Chair: Aslı Bâli   

1:30-2:45pm Panel 3: Geographies of Contestation

Presenters: Zohra Ahmed, Dylan Asafo, and Idriss Fofana, Chair: Ntina Tzouvala

3:00-4:15pm Panel 4: Race and Multipolarity

Presenters: Tendayi Achiume (Zoom), Rob Knox, and Vincent Wong, Chair: Vasuki Nesiah

4:15-5:45pm Closing Panel: Rules-Based Order

Presenters: Aslı Bâli, Yifeng Chen, Kostia Gorobets, and Ntina Tzouvala, Chair: Saule Omarova

These panel discussions will be part of a 1.5 day workshop — the first gathering of a group of leading and emerging critical international law scholars, invited to analyze the implications of the rise of non-Western hegemons for the international legal order — some applying a Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) lens in their scholarship, and some identifying with other critical trends, including Marxist and LPE approaches. In particular, we are convening these scholars to consider how to (re)conceptualize imperialism and hegemony at a time when the distribution of geopolitical power has shifted away from the West and the former imperial powers of Europe.

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Sponsoring Organization(s)

Sponsored by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund at Yale Law School