Seminar in Private Law - Thomas Piketty & Danielle Allen - A Brief History of Equality

Feb. 1, 2022
12:10PM - 1:40PM
Open to the Public

The Seminar in Private Law is delighted to host Professor THOMAS PIKETTY (EHESS), author of "Capital in the 21st Century" and "Capital and Ideology", and Professor DANIELLE ALLEN (Harvard) for a conversation on the themes of Professor Piketty's new book "A Brief History of Equality" (forthcoming, HUP).

Following the conversation between the two speakers, there will be time for discussion and exchange with members of the audience.

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About the Seminar: The 2022 Seminar in Private Law will devote itself to examining questions about the relationship between private orderings and public justice. We hope to explore how private law and the private arrangements that it enables and facilitates—e.g., through contracts, property rights, or corporate law—relate to (public) concerns with justice. This includes examining how public justice goals may be promoted or hampered through private arrangements, questioning the limits of private ordering, and reflecting critically on the interaction between private and public institutions more broadly. Our ambition is to study the subject from both theoretical and empirical perspectives and to engage champions, as well as critics, of private law. The Seminar will bring together lawyers with scholars from economics, sociology, history, and philosophy.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Yale Law School Center for Private Law - NYU Colloquium on Contract Theory & Law