
Community Lawyering Clinic

About the Clinic

The Community Lawyering Clinic represents individuals and grassroots organizations, coalitions, and campaigns that are banding together to enforce their rights, build power, and establish laws and policies that promote economic justice in Connecticut. Students may appear in court and agency proceedings, before legislatures and commissions, in the media, and at community meetings. Students will work in collaboration with community members and groups, taking direction from clinic partners about what types of legal interventions are needed and thinking flexibly and creatively about the role of lawyers.

Students will handle both litigation and non-litigation matters in the clinic. Through their representation of clients in litigation matters, students will develop foundational litigation-oriented lawyering skills such as interviewing and counseling, formulating a case theory, drafting pleadings and briefs, negotiating with adversaries, and advocating in court. Non-litigation matters will involve alternative forms of lawyering, including policy and legislative analysis, drafting, and advocacy; strategic planning and advising; media advocacy; public records requests; community education; and other types of legal work necessary to secure meaningful, durable changes outside the courtroom. 


Clinical Faculty

Jason Parkin

Ways to Engage

LSO Clinic
Our Clinics

Yale Law School offers more than 30 clinics that provide students with hands-on, practical experience in the law on a diverse range of subject matters.

YLS classroom

Yale Law School offers a suite of innovative simulation courses based on real-world case studies.

Centers and Workshops

Yale Law School enhances the intellectual life of its academic community by sponsoring a variety of centers, programs, and workshops, inspired by the interests of its faculty and students.

At Yale, I treasured being part of a close community of students, faculty, alumni, practitioners, and staff committed to understanding and critiquing the law. I draw on lessons I learned from that community every day in my career as an economic justice lawyer.