
Urgent Student Support Resources

If you (or a classmate) are experiencing a medical emergency or are in significant distress (suicidal ideation, self-harming, difficulty adjusting, suffering with a personal crisis, becoming socially withdrawn etc.):

  • Seek the nearest emergency room, or dial Yale Police at 203-432-4400, 911 or your local emergency response service for medical and ambulatory assistance. Yale Police can provide on-site assessment and referral to a mental health professional.
  • If you have an urgent concern, call Yale Mental Health & Counseling at 203-432-0290 or Yale Health Acute Care 24/7 at 203-432-0123 to discuss your concern and they can advise on next steps
  • If it is a matter related to sexual assault, sexual harassment, or intimate partner violence you may also contact the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education Center (SHARE) at 203-432-2000
  • If you would like to speak to OSA's clinical counselor Mia Wilson during business hours, please contact her at mia.wilson@yale.edu or 203-432-2574. 

When in doubt, please reach out to one of us!