
About Comparative Administrative Law Initiative

Welcome to the Comparative Administrative Law Initiative at Yale Law School. The program studies the way administrative law principles and practices interact with other governmental institutions. Its comparative focus is broad, encompassing established and emerging democracies and non-democratic regimes. Administrative law frequently borrows concepts from other legal systems. However, no single best model exists. With countries facing similar public policy challenges, the initiative seeks to analyze the diverse models of state-society relations that exist throughout the world and to study their implications for public accountability, public policy, and competent government.

The initiative’s goal is to serve as a focal point for scholars across the world working on these issues and encourage debate through workshops and publications. The program was initiated by Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman and is supported by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund at Yale Law School. Rose-Ackerman is editor, with Peter Lindseth, of Comparative Administrative Law (Edward Elgar 2010).

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