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Legal History

How We Are Involved

A stained glass window depicting a female figure of justice holding a sword and scales of justice

The Law School is home to one of the world’s great programs in the study of legal history. The history of law offers indispensable insights into the character of our legal systems. Historical materials appear throughout the Law School’s curriculum with specialized courses addressing topics in the history of legal systems around the world.

More About Legal History


Legal History Faculty Activities

Legal History Fellows

Students in a classroom

The Law School hosts an exceptional range of curricular offerings in legal history and a special forum that brings legal history scholars from around the world to Yale to present on cutting-edge work in the field in a collegial setting suited to searching dialogue and debate.

Course Offerings

Legal History Forum

Yale University Department of History

Law Library

The Yale Law Library boasts one of the world’s finest legal history collections. This growing collection is designed to both support and stimulate research and teaching in legal history.

Yale Law Library Rare Book Collection

Rare Books Blog

Legal History Research Guides

Scholarship Repository: Yale Law Special Collections

Scholarship Repository: Yale Law School Oral History Series

This place has always been imbued with a restless spirit, the assumption that being the finest law school in the world is never enough, and a deep belief that you, our students, can do anything.