The New Haven Independent
“IZ” Housing Bill On Tap; Will It Work?
Home Is Here
Yale Law School faculty, alumni, and students look back at a tumultuous four years fighting for a more just immigration system.
SCOTUS Sides with the Amish in Case Supported by Free Exercise Clinic
The Yale Law School Free Exercise Clinic co-authored an amicus brief in support of Amish plaintiffs’ challenge of a law compelling them to use modern septic systems in violation of their religious beliefs.
Veterans Clinic Suing VA for Racial Disparity Data and Records
The Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Black Veterans Project and the National Veterans Council for Legal Redress to force the Department of Veterans Affairs to produce information the two groups requested on racial disparities in the agency’s benefits and services.
Housing Clinic Advocates for Eviction Moratorium in SCOTUS Case
The Yale Law School Housing Clinic co-authored an amicus brief filed in a Supreme Court case about the national moratorium on evictions during the pandemic. The court rejected a challenge to the moratorium, which will now stay in place for another month.
Clinic Files Motion for Veteran Exposed to Radiation
The Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School filed a motion on behalf a veteran seeking to represent a class of servicemembers exposed to radiation while cleaning up after a 1966 nuclear accident in Palomares, Spain. The clinic has previously represented the Palomares veterans, who have struggled for recognition and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
MFIA Clinic Advances New Project on Algorithmic Transparency
The MFIA Clinic has launched two new projects on algorithmic transparency this past semester, with the goal of developing model legislation to promote transparency around the use of algorithms by government agencies and disclosure of their potential biases.
Abrams Institute Files Amicus Brief in Access to Court Records Case
The MFIA Clinic filed an amicus brief in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals last semester in Hartford Courant Company, LLC v. Carroll, a suit challenging a Connecticut statute that automatically closes criminal trials to the public if they are transferred from juvenile to adult court.
MFIA Team Works on Medical Transparency Amidst Pandemic
The MFIA Clinic worked through the fall 2020 semester with faculty from the Yale School of Medicine, Yale School of Public Health, and other public health experts and activists to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine approval process was fully transparent and driven by science rather than political pressure.
MFIA Clinic Represents Journalist Injured by Police at Protest
The Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic (MFIA) is serving as co-counsel to a photojournalist who was blinded in one eye by police while covering a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis.