Tuesday, March 18
Seminar in Private Law: Coordination and Growth
12:10PM - 2:00PM
SLB Room 127
The 2025 Seminar in Private Law hosts leading thinkers on social coordination, economic growth, and institutional development.
Thursday, March 20
Lattes with Librarians
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Ruttenberg Dining Hall
Our research librarians will be available in the Derald H. Ruttenberg Dining Hall to chat about your research issues, paper ideas, and questions about library resources.
Friday, March 21
Flowers at Lambach: A Rare Book Exhibition
All Day
Rare Book Room, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Lower Level 2
Flowers at Lambach follows the history of a single manuscript volume relating to canon law, produced by the scriptorium at the Benedictine Abbey (Austria) in the late 15th century.
Max & Trix | Max and Beatrix Farrand: Memory and Landscape at Yale
All Day
Lillian Goldman Law Library, Rare Book Exhibit Area, Level 3
Max & Trix celebrates the work of Max and Beatrix Farrand. It is also a story of Standard Oil, and the influence of industrial fortunes on the American university as an institution.