Jerome Cohen: “Law and Power: China’s Ongoing Struggle"

On February 3, 2016, The China Center hosted Professor Jerome A. Cohen ’55, who gave a lecture to a packed Yale Law School classroom on “Law and Power: China’s Ongoing Struggle.” Professor Cohen is the leading public intellectual on Chinese law and human rights outside of China. He is Professor of Law at NYU Law School and the founder and director of NYU’s U.S.-Asia Law Institute. 

During his visit, Professor Cohen shared his evolving thoughts on China’s judicial reform efforts. A singular figure in the American study of China, Cohen shared stories from his decades of experience at the forefront of international engagement with China’s legal system. In addition to discussing new Chinese reforms, including measures to increase judicial transparency and professionalism, he also called on the international legal community to continue to oppose the recent crackdown against Chinese human rights lawyers.

Following the event, Professor Cohen and Professor Paul Gewirtz, founder and director of Yale Law School’s China Center, jointly led a discussion with students in the Contemporary China Research Seminar. The spirited debate touched on issues ranging from the impact of recent Chinese legal reforms to foreign policy challenges such as territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

The China Center is the primary home for activities related to China at Yale Law School. Founded in 1999, the Center is a unique institution dedicated to helping advance China’s legal reforms, improving U.S.–China relations, and increasing understanding of China in the United States.