Gregory J. Fleming '88 to Join Yale Law School’s Corporate Law Center
Gregory J. Fleming ’88, the former president of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Morgan Stanley Investment Management, has accepted an appointment as Senior Research Scholar at Yale Law School and Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Center for the Study of Corporate Law at Yale Law School in January 2016.

The Power of Tax Law
In her new book, Taxation in Six Concepts: A Student’s Guide, Professor Anne Alstott ’87 boils down the law of taxation to just six concepts—valuation, net income, realization, tax deferral, substance over form, and income-shifting—and uses them to unpack leading cases and real-world transactions.

Yale ISP Joins Fight Against Texas Clinic Shutdown Law
The Information Society Project at Yale Law School (ISP) joined with a collection of diverse and influential U.S. organizations and individuals to file an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to reject Texas’ clinic shutdown law and once again affirm longstanding precedent by upholding a woman’s constitutional right to access safe and legal abortion services.

WIRAC: Immigration Raids Target Disabled
The Worker & Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic at Yale Law School sent a letter Tuesday serving notice to federal officials that many of the Central American refugees targeted in recent immigration raids are disabled, as that term is defined under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The letter was authored by clinic students and signed by more than 150 Civil Rights, Labor, and Faith Groups. In the letter, the groups also demanded that federal agencies make reasonable accommodation for Central American refugee parents and children with trauma-related disabilities. The notice asks that the government...

Albert and Students Analyze Albanian Constitutional Reform
Richard Albert ’03, Visiting Associate Professor of Law and Canadian Bicentennial Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science, recently collaborated with law students on a major report about constitutional reform in Albania.

Three Alums, One Student Receive 2016 Skadden Fellowships
The Skadden Public Interest Fellowship recipients for 2016 include four members of the Yale Law School community: Alexandra Brodsky ’16, Emily Brown ’14, Rose Carmen Goldberg ’15, and Andrew Hammond ’14.

Yale Team Supports Local Climate Action at Paris Talks
Professor Dan Esty ’86 and Dena Adler ’17 JD/MEM attended the U.N. Climate Change Negotiations to support broadened engagement of mayors, governors/provincial leaders, and the private sector in the international climate change negotiations.

Veterans Clinic Seeks Information on Toxic Water Disability Claims
On December 7, 2015, The Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on behalf of three Vietnam Veteran organizations seeking records that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long withheld on the Camp Lejeune Subject Matter Expert (SME) program.