LEAP Announces Spring Events for 2022-23 Speaker Series
Speakers this term are animal behavior and intelligence expert Lori Marino and reporter Georgina Gustin.

Professor Meares Receives Fellowship from Russell Sage Foundation
Professor Tracey L. Meares has been named a 2023–24 Visiting Scholar by the Russell Sage Foundation.

Force Multiplier
Collaborations between faculty and students on academic papers enhance the process — and the scholarship.

“A Case Study in Perseverance”: Homes Break Ground After Years of Help from Clinics
An apartment complex is being redeveloped in Branford, Connecticut, where two Yale Law School clinics represented local partners working for affordable housing.

Guido’s Tales
An oral history of Professor Guido Calabresi ’58 recounts his struggles and accomplishments, in his own words.

Reproductive Rights and Dobbs
A Q&A with Professor Reva Siegel on the impacts of the Dobbs decision.

Court Issues Landmark Sexual Violence Ruling, Agreeing with Lowenstein Clinic Brief
An international court has ordered Bolivia to reform its laws on sexual violence, ruling in a case in which the Lowenstein Clinic filed an amicus brief in the case last year.

Professors Koh and Hathaway Selected for Foreign Relations Law Restatement Project
Sterling Professor of Law Harold Hongju Koh and Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law Oona A. Hathaway ’97 will work on the American Law Institute’s project to clarify the U.S. foreign relations law.