Professor Jerry Mashaw Co-Authors Book on Social Insurance
Sterling Professor of Law Jerry Mashaw has co-authored a book titled Social Insurance: America’s Neglected Heritage and Contested Future (Sage Press, 2013). The book, which examines the history, economics, politics, and philosophy of America's most important social insurance programs, was written with Professor Theodore R. Marmor and John Pakutka. Touted as one of the best one-volume introductions to the American welfare state ever written , Social Insurance offers a clear intellectual foundation for social insurance programs by clearly explaining what they have and have not achieved while...
Professor Michael J. Graetz Receives National Tax Association Award, Updates Competitive Tax Plan
Professor Michael J. Graetz received the Daniel M. Holland Medal during last week's annual conference of the National Tax Association. Graetz also presented his “Competitive Tax Plan” at the academic conference.
Veterans Clinic Client Sues Army Over False “Adjustment Disorder” Diagnosis, Denial of Retirement Benefits
In what is believed to be a first-of-its-kind lawsuit, U.S. Army National Guard veteran William Cowles is challenging the illegal denial of his application for medical retirement and asserts that the Army hastily discharged him based on an erroneous diagnosis of adjustment disorder when he should have been medically retired for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Finding Ourselves at the Movies: Philosophy for a New Generation – A Book by Professor Paul W. Kahn ’80
Paul W. Kahn ’80, Robert W. Winner Professor of Law and the Humanities and Director, Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights, assesses the need for a new direction in philosophical inquiry.
Professor Reva Siegel Elected Honorary Fellow of the American Society for Legal History
The Society’s Honorary Fellowship recognizes distinguished historians whose scholarship has shaped the broad discipline of legal history and influenced the work of others.
Veterans Legal Services Clinic Files Federal Lawsuit on Behalf of Deported U.S. Veteran
Students from the Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School filed a lawsuit on behalf of a recently deported U.S. Army veteran battling to return home to his family.
Professor Richard H. Pildes to Deliver Elliot Lecture on the Decline of American Government
Professor Richard H. Pildes will deliver the 2012-13 Ralph Gregory Elliot Lecture on Nov. 18, 2013. The lecture is titled "Romanticizing Democracy and the Decline of American Government."

Extraordinary Commitment Will Return Residential Living to Yale Law School
A $25 million dollar gift commitment from Robert C. and Christina Baker will return residential living to the Law School.