Paul Tsai China Center Promotes U.S.-China Communication Amid Bilateral Strains
The Paul Tsai China Center has sponsored and organized dialogues between non-official experts and academics with Chinese counterparts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MFIA Clinic Files Appeal in Case on Public Right to Witness Executions
The Media Freedom and Information Access (MFIA) Clinic has appealed the dismissal of its Virginia lawsuit asserting a constitutional right to witness executions.
Professor Balkin Publishes Book on The Cycles of Constitutional Time
In his new book, Professor Jack Balkin looks at the bigger picture of why politics in the United States has broken down and where it is headed.
Listokin Awarded Gaddis Smith International Book Prize
Shibley Family Fund Professor of Law Yair Listokin ’05 has been awarded the Gaddis Smith International Book Prize for Law and Macroeconomics: Legal Remedies to Recessions.
Aided by MFIA, FBI Agent’s Book on Enhanced Interrogation Rereleased
The MFIA Clinic has helped rerelease a book with new information about the CIA’s interrogation of Guantanamo detainee Abu Zubaydah.
The President and Immigration Law
In her new book, The President and Immigration Law, Leighton Homer Surbeck Professor of Law Cristina Rodríguez ’00 examines how immigration policy became concentrated in the hands of the president and whether this state of affairs should give us pause.
WIRAC Helps New York Undocumented Youth File Lawsuit Challenging DACA Memo
The Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic represents plaintiffs challenging the authority of a July 28, 2020 memo drastically altering the DACA program.
From Outlaws to In-Laws
John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence William Eskridge ’78 and coauthor Christopher Riano have written a new book providing a comprehensive examination of the equal marriage movement.