NAACP Alleges Inmate Count Practice Weakens Urban Districts
Rich Medina ’18 is quoted in an article about a lawsuit filed against the state of Connecticut by the NAACP with the assistance of the Rule of Law Clinic over how the state counts its prisoners when crafting legislative districts.
NAACP, Yale Law sue state over ‘prison gerrymandering’
Ashley Hall ’19 is quoted about a lawsuit filed against the state of Connecticut by the NAACP with the assistance of the Rule of Law Clinic over how the state counts its prisoners when crafting legislative districts.
Sterling Professor of Law Robert C. Post ’77 and Professor of Law Abbe R. Gluck ’00 contributed to a discussion on the legacy of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
The Surprising Consequences of the Supreme Court Cases That Changed Sexual Harassment Law 20 Years Ago
Ford Foundation Professor of Law and Social Sciences Vicki Schultz is quoted in an article about two 1998 cases that went before the Supreme Court and changed how the law approaches workplace sexual harassment.