Transnational Repression on Campuses in the United States

Feb. 7, 2024
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Horchow Hall (55 Hillhouse), GM room
Open to the Yale Community

Yana Gorokhovskaia and Grady Vaughan 
Freedom House

Gorokhovskaia and Vaughan will address a new report that examines how transnational repression — a set of tactics used by governments to reach across borders to silence dissent — impacts the freedom of students and scholars. The report surveys existing responses to transnational repression on US campuses and incorporates interviews with affected students and scholars. It concludes with a set of practical recommendations for university and college administrators about how to recognize the threat posed by transnational repression, empower individuals to report incidents, and adopt practices that protect students, faculty, and scholars while strengthening academic freedom.

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Sponsored by the Jackson School of Global Affairs, the MacMillan Center, and the Schell Center for International Human Rights