
Abdallah S. Kamel Lectures

2024-25 Lectures and Seminars


The lectures begin at 4:15 pm

September 19

Leor Halevi, Vanderbilt University

"Economic Interest, Islamic Law, and the Saudi State under Globalization"

November 14

Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College

"The History of Jewish Scholarship on Islam and its Impact on Modern Jewish Self-Understanding"

January 30

Mohsen Kadivar, Duke University

"Rulership in Shi'ite Legal Theories"

February 27

Murad Idris, University of Michigan

"Qutb Postcolonial: Empire, Critique, and the World in the Political Thought of Sayyid Qutb, 1945-1954"

March 27

Iza Hussin, Cambridge University

"Itineraries of Law: Trace, Translation, Trajectory"

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November 21 (1:00 - 4:00 pm)

Talal Asad, CUNY Graduate Center

"Ethics and Politics"