2017, Consumer Law
The Seminar meets Tuesdays from 12:10 to 2:00 in SLB 121. Lunch is served from noon.
The Spring 2017 Seminar in Private Law will devote itself to consumer law. The Seminar will take up various aspects of consumer law, including consumer finance, bankruptcy, dispute regulation, behavioral regulation of consumer transactions, regulatory agency design, and housing.
January 31 The Rise of Mandatory Arbitration and the Demise of Class Actions
Myriam Gilles, Cardozo Law School
Deepak Gupta, Gupta Wessler
February 21 Behavioral Economics and Consumer Law
Oren Bar-Gill, Harvard Law School
Alan Schwartz, Yale Law School
February 28 Consumer Transactions in the Information Society
Margaret Jane Radin, University of Michigan School of Law
Rory Van Loo, Boston University Law School
March 7 Performance-Based Consumer Law
Lauren Willis, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
March 21 Housing Law
Richard Epstein, NYU Law School
Lee Fennell, University of Chicago Law School
April 4 Consumer Finance, Race, and Contract Design
Bertram Lomfeld, Free University of Berlin
Fred Wherry, Yale University, Department of Sociology
April 11 Debt, Labor, and Regulatory Agency Design
Rachel Barkow, NYU School of Law
Noah Zatz, UCLA Law School
April 18 Mandatory Labeling
Cass Sunstein, Harvard Law School