
Program on Law and the Environment

Program on Law and the Environment

Outstanding faculty and visiting faculty, new curricular offerings, a strong partnership and dual degree program with Yale's School of the Environment, and an active environmental law clinic are just some of the elements of Yale Law School’s expanded program in environmental law and policy.

A core piece of the program is the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, established in 1994, which draws upon resources throughout Yale University to develop and advance environmental policy locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. YCELP offers a variety of interesting lectures, conferences, panel discussions, webinars, and other events on environmental topics.

The Goldman Sonnenfeldt Environmental Protection Clinic is another pillar of the program. In the Environmental Protection Clinic, law students have opportunities to address interdisciplinary environmental law and policy problems on behalf of client organizations. In recent years, Yale students have worked with a range of community groups, environmental groups, think tanks, government agencies, and international organizations.

The student-run Yale Environmental Law Association sponsors an an annual lecture and coffee chat series featuring visiting scholars, environmental professionals, business leaders, and government officials and organizes the annual New Directions in Environmental Law and Policy conference, the region’s largest environmental law and policy gathering.