The Washington Post
The census is a threat to communities of color
New Digital Tool to Provide Support to Veterans Seeking Discharge Upgrades
On April 24, 2018, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, in partnership with the Yale Law School Veterans Legal Services Clinic, released a groundbreaking online legal resource for veterans nationwide seeking to correct their “less-than-honorable” discharges from the military.
CED Clinic Advocates for Worker Cooperatives
Students at Yale Law School’s Community and Economic Development Clinic worked with the EDC to research, draft, and advocate for a bill that would allow nonprofits to become members of worker cooperatives.
New Haven Independent
ICE Lies In Wait At Elm Street Courthouse
Rule of Law Clinic Releases “Reader’s Guide” for the 25th Amendment
The ROLC clinic report identifies a series of immediate congressional actions that would strengthen the constitutional process and avoid Executive Branch chaos if Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is triggered.
Todd Stern Gives Talk at Yale Law School
Todd Stern, the former chief environmental negotiator under President Obama, gave a lecture on the Paris Agreement on April 10, 2018.
Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic Files Brief in Voting Rights Case
On April 4, 2018, students from the Yale Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Common Cause and the Voting Rights Institute.
San Francisco Files Student-Generated Civil Rights Case
A lawsuit filed by the San Francisco City Attorney's Office was sparked by an idea from Yale Law student and SFALP member Alisa Tiwari ’20.