Yale Law School Breaks Ground on Baker Hall Expansion Project
Construction is underway on the project to renovate Baker Hall, the first expansion of Yale Law School’s physical footprint since the iconic Sterling Law Building was completed in 1931.
Robert C. and Christina Baker Hall at Yale Law School, located at 100 Tower Parkway, will serve as an academic, social, and residential hub for the Law School, creating a more dynamic and immersive educational experience. The project is expected to be completed in August 2018.
“With this extraordinary commitment from our generous alumni, Yale Law School will have the space our students need to thrive,” said Dean Heather Gerken. “This isn’t just a beautiful building, but a crucial investment for our future. We very much look forward to opening it next summer.”
Baker Hall will significantly expand Yale Law School’s physical space with 137,000 square feet dedicated to classrooms, residential living, programmatic space, and student community areas.
Yale Law School raised more than $60 million for the Baker Hall renovation, led by a $25 million gift by Christina and Robert C. Baker ’56 B.A., ’59 LL.B., for whom the building will be named.
The addition of Baker Hall will return residential life back to the Law School campus for the first time in many years, featuring apartment-style living options for Yale Law School students. Dormitory living was an essential part of student life for decades, and it remains a memorable experience to scores of alumni. Thanks to committed alumni, the School will be able to re-establish residential life within steps of the Sterling Law Building.
The building will also enhance the Law School’s academic and social spaces, adding to what the Sterling Law Building can currently accommodate. Baker Hall will include a two-story lecture hall, a three-tiered student center, numerous shared community study and recreational areas, a spacious courtyard, and adjoining offices for several of the School’s innovative interdisciplinary centers and programs.
“The environment of Baker Hall will not be passive,” said Laura Pirie of Pirie Associates Architects, the designers of the project. “The environment will be an active participant in the growth of Yale Law School, presenting the opportunity to create a more complete experience for Yale Law students.”
The construction is being completed by A/Z Corporation, an industry-leading design, construction, and maintenance services provider.
For updates and photos on the project, please visit law.yale.edu/BakerHall.