Clinic Reaches Settlement Agreement in Bureau of Prisons COVID-19 Case
The parties in Martinez-Brooks v. Easter have reached an agreement to ensure that the Federal Bureau of Prisons takes speedy action in reviewing medically vulnerable individuals for release from the Federal Correctional Institution at Danbury, CT. The Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic represented the proposed class.
Jack Balkin Elected to the American Law Institute
Professor Jack M. Balkin has been elected to the American Law Institute (ALI).
WIRAC Continues Fight for DACA Recipients
The Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic and other plaintiffs returned to federal court to hold the Trump Administration to their obligation to fully restore DACA, as required by the Supreme Court’s decision.
Toward a More Flexible Model of Philanthropy
Yale Law School alumni are deeply involved in the changing dynamics of philanthropy, including better use of data and more flexible funding to achieve transformative change.
The Rise of Law and Economics
In his new book, Edward J. Phelps Professor of Law and Economics George L. Priest explains the origins of the field of law and economics and its early sources of growth.
On the Road with the Other Side
On their road trips across the U .S., friends Jordan Blashek ’18 and Christopher Haugh ’18 sought ways to connect with people regardless of their beliefs and documented them in their new book, “Union.”
SCOTUS Decision Rules on Critical Issue Advocated for By Housing Clinic
The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Seila Law LLC v. CFPB addressed a critical issue argued by Yale Law School’s Housing Clinic in an amicus brief the Clinic submitted to the Court.
A Message from Dean Gerken on Support for International Students
A message from Dean Heather K. Gerken regarding the new Trump Administration policy requiring international students to attend in-person classes in order to maintain their visa status.