Yale Law Students Launch Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project
Conchita Cruz ’16, Swapna Reddy ’16, Dorothy Tegeler ’16, and Liz Willis ’17 co-founded ASAP in the Spring of 2015 to respond to the unmet legal needs of Central American refugee families.

MFIA Clinic and Abrams Institute File Amicus Brief in Ag-Gag Case
The Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic filed an amicus brief challenging an Idaho law that makes it a crime to record slaughterhouses, feed lots, and other agricultural production facilities unless the owner explicitly consents.

Dena Adler ’17 Awarded Switzer Environmental Fellowship
Dena Adler ’17 has been awarded a 2016 Switzer Environmental Fellowship, a program of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation.

Federal Judge Finds in Favor of Veteran in Harassment Complaint Case
The Department of Defense wrongly refused to search and produce sexual harassment complaints against a senior officer in the Connecticut Army National Guard, a federal judge has ruled.

Clinic Study Concludes that U.S. Family Immigration Detention Violates International Law
A paper released on June 20, 2016 by the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School concludes that the United States has violated its international obligations by detaining asylum seekers in jail-like facilities and by providing insufficient safeguards against return to persecution.

Clinic Reacts to SCOTUS Decision in Case of Death-Row Inmate
A death-row inmate will have a second chance at his appeal after the U.S. Supreme Court vacated a prior ruling and remanded his case back down to the the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for further proceedings.

Graetz and Greenhouse Publish Book on the Burger Court
Michael J. Graetz and Linda Greenhouse ’78 MSL put forth a new and comprehensive evaluation of the Warren Burger Supreme Court in a new book.

Paul Tsai China Center Holds Judicial Reform Workshops
As part of a three-year cooperation on judicial reasoning and the role of precedent, the Paul Tsai China Center recently co-sponsored a workshop in Hangzhou with Professor Zheng Chunyan of Zhejiang University’s Guanghua Law School and the Supreme People’s Court Administrative Tribunal.