LEAP Announces Fall 2021 Online Speaker Series
The Law, Ethics & Animals Program (LEAP) at Yale Law School announced its Fall 2021 online speaker series.

Three from Yale Law School Chosen for FASPE Ethics Fellowship
Three current and former students from Yale Law School are among the 16 law students and graduates chosen for the 2021 Law program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE).

Solomon Center and CAPC Launch Innovative Palliative Care Policy-Tracking Database
The Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy and the Center to Advance Palliative Care have launched a publicly accessible and regularly updated database that tracks state policies on palliative care and related services.

Professor Moyn on the Humanity of War
Professor Samuel Moyn’s book “Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War” takes the reader on a journey through the evolution of war.

Liman Center Testifies on Proposed Solitary Confinement Legislation
Liman Center Founding Director Judith Resnik presented expert testimony on solitary confinement at a hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee.

MFIA Wins Important Connecticut Freedom of Information Ruling
The Media Freedom Information and Access (MFIA) Clinic at Yale Law School won the release of police records of a decade-old murder on behalf of two filmmakers — an important ruling on the scope of the public’s right to inspect law enforcement records of unsolved crimes.

Road to Redemption
Clyde Meikle dedicated himself while incarcerated to self-improvement, rehabilitation, and service. With the help of Law School students in the Peter Gruber Challenging Mass Incarceration Clinic, Meikle was resentenced to 28 years in January 2021 and was released from prison in May.

Justice Collaboratory and Partner Select Pilot Agency for New Project
Yale Law School’s Justice Collaboratory and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys have selected the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s office as the pilot agency for their Elevating Trust and Legitimacy for Prosecutors Project.