Top First Amendment Lawyer to Head MFIA Clinic
David A. Schulz ’78, a leading First Amendment lawyer who has defended the rights of journalists and news organizations for more than 30 years, has been named Clinical Lecturer in Law and Co-Director of the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic (MFIA) at Yale Law School.
Veterans Clinic Files Nation-Wide Class Action, Challenging Delays in VA Benefits Processing
The Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School filed a lawsuit Monday on behalf of a Marine Corps veteran and thousands of other veterans seeking to compel the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs to decide initial disability compensation appeals that have been pending more than one year.
Senator Blumenthal to Deliver Remarks On Veterans Health Care Challenges at Yale Law School Event
Senator Richard Blumethal ’73 will speak at Yale Law School on April 2 during an event about the crisis and reform efforts surrounding the Veterans Health Administration.
Detention on a Global Scale: Punishment and Beyond on April 9 & 10
The growing use of detention in the United States and around the world is the focus of the conference cohosted by the Arthur Liman Public Interest Program and the Robert L. Bernstein International Human Rights Fellowship Program.
The New Normal in Election and Political Law Conference to Be Held April 11
The New Normal in Election and Political Law conference will bring together academics, advocates, and strategists from across the political spectrum to discuss the state of political and electoral legal practice, with an eye to generating new ideas for research and advocacy.
Yale Law Clinic Seeks Relief for Homeowners Burdened with Underwater Second Mortgages
The Mortgage Foreclosure Litigation Clinic at Yale Law School, along with the Connecticut Fair Housing Center (CFHC), has filed an Amicus Brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in a case that presents the question of whether wholly underwater second mortgages can be voided in bankruptcy as unsecured liens.
Performance at Yale Law School To Tell Story of Movement to Seek Justice for Native Women
“Sliver of a Full Moon,” a play that tells the story of the abuse and rape of Native women by non-Indians and the movement to bring them justice, will be staged on Tuesday, March 31 at Yale Law School, and will feature in its cast three of the Native women who stepped forward in 2013 to share their stories of survival with members of Congress. Read more about the performance.
March 21, 2015, Declared Ellen Ash Peters ’54 Day in Connecticut by Governor Malloy
Governor Dannel Malloy has proclaimed that March 21, 2015, is Ellen Ash Peters ’54 Day in the state of Connecticut.