
About COAP

About the Career Options Assistance Program

Yale Law School has long encouraged its graduates to pursue public service activities. Rising educational debt burdens and stagnant public sector salaries, however, increasingly deter graduates from choosing public interest careers. Large debt and low salaries also discourage career options in academia and some types of private practice.

To give financial expression to the Law School’s commitment to a full range of career opportunities, Yale established the Career Options Assistance Program (COAP) in 1989 to provide substantial post-graduation assistance with educational loan repayment for graduates who choose lower paying positions.

Since its inception, more than 2,000 Yale Law School graduates have participated in COAP and received over $58 million in benefits. COAP remains the most generous loan repayment program available to law school students and the example after which many other programs are modeled.


We are pleased to annouce a number of changes to the Career Options Assistance Program (COAP). All of the changes will be implemented beginning in January 2024 (i.e., COAP Cycle 1 of 2024, for which applications open on November 1, 2023). Over the coming months we will be updating our website, as well as relevant handboooks and other materials, to reflect these changes. Summary of changes.


Contact Information:



The Career Options Assistance Program

About COAP

The Career Options Assistance Program

Highlights & Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

COAP Highlights & FAQs

Highlights & Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Information Specific to Each Entering Class

COAP Descriptions by Class

Information Specific to Each Entering Class

Yale Law School's Program Maximizes Career Flexibility

What Makes COAP Unique

Yale Law School's Program Maximizes Career Flexibility

More Than 1,500 Graduates Have Participated in COAP

Who Uses COAP?

More Than 1,500 Graduates Have Participated in COAP

An Estimated Projection Of Possible Funding Support

COAP Calculator

An Estimated Projection Of Possible Funding Support

Today is a wonderful time to be blessed with legal training and to be able to go out and take on the enormous challenges of a difficult world — with an aspiration to lead tempered by humility at the complexity, difficulty, discipline, and self-sacrifice inherent in the task.