GHJP collaborates with university centers, NGOs, government agencies, and other policy and advocacy groups in the US and abroad. We work together to carry out research, produce reports and commentary, and organize conferences and events on pressing health justice issues.
Yale Law School
Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization (LSO)
Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights
Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic
The Orville H. Schell Jr. Center for International Human Rights
Yale School of Medicine / Yale School of Public Health
Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA)
Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE)
Yale University
Outside Yale
ACLU—Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project
Anis—Institute of Bioethics, Human Rights, and Gender
Association of State Correctional Administrators
Black Mamas Matter Alliance
Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI), Harvard Law School
Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ), New York University School of Law
Center for Reproductive Rights
Haitian Environmental Law Association (AHDEN—L'Association Haïtienne de Droit de l'Environnement)
I-MAK (Initiative for Medicines, Access and Knowledge)
Instituto Fernandes Figueira—FIOCRUZ
Human Rights Project, Harvard Law School
National Physicians Alliance
Program on Global Health & Human Rights (GHHR), University of Southern California
Public Citizen Foundation
Sex Worker Project (SWP), Urban Justice Center
Treatment Action Group (TAG)
Universal Healthcare Foundation of Connecticut