students sitting on the grass in the Courtyard

Housing & Dining

Living in New Haven

Housing in New Haven is plentiful, affordable, and convenient. It’s not hard to find your own apartment with hardwood floors, high ceilings, and modern amenities in a great neighborhood. Most students chose to live in non University-affiliated housing. Many apartments are suitable for students with families, and some allow pets. Off campus living resources are available here.

Some students do live in the affordable and well-kept University housing options. These housing options for graduate and professional students range from efficiencies to three-bedrooms.

The Law School offers one and two-bedroom units, in Baker Hall, housing 111 students.

The best time to begin your housing search is in the spring. Start off with the Off-Campus Listing Service or take a look at one of the University-affiliated properties below.

New Haven’s Dining Options

Even though New Haven is a great restaurant city, the Law School also has a dining hall, which serves a variety of meals for breakfast and lunch during the week. The dining hall is also the site for many catered events that are hosted by the Law School. The dining hall serves as a convenient meeting place, a study hall, and a great place to pick up a cup of coffee between classes. Café Law is a cashless operation. Students can pay by credit card or sign up for Eli Bucks, which is a declining Balance meal plan.

University Managed Housing

Yale University manages several graduate student housing dormitories and apartments around New Haven, including both on- and off-campus housing options.

Off-Campus Housing

Most law students choose to live off campus. Apartments are available within a few blocks of the Law School, in New Haven's diverse neighborhoods, and in nearby towns. The University maintains an off-campus housing list of non-Yale properties, which is available only to admitted and current students.

Yale is the one place where going to law school doesn’t mean sitting on the sidelines; it means making headlines.