
Peter Gruber Rule of Law Clinic

The Peter Gruber Rule of Law Clinic focuses on maintaining U.S. rule of law and human rights commitments in four areas: national security (e.g., torture, drones, Guantanamo); anti-discrimination (especially against religious and ethnic groups); climate change (maintaining U.S. commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement); and democracy promotion (voting rights, redistricting). Projects include litigation, policy advocacy, and strategic planning matters. Please see the Peter Gruber Rule of Law Clinic Documents Depository(link is external)1.


Harold Hongju Koh
Mike Wishnie2


The Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution: A Reader’s Guide

An explainer on the 25th Amendment(link is external)3

Presidential Impeachment Trial: What a Senator Should Know4

Our Work



Democracy Promotion

Democracy Promotion

Climate Change

Climate Change

National Security

National Security

News About the ROLC

News About the ROLC

Ways to Engage

LSO Clinic
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