Legal Writing Class Teaches More than Memos
Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing not only trains students to write one of the mostly widely used legal documents, it gives them a comprehensive range of lawyering tools.

Jurists Discuss Global Challenges
The annual Anderson Lecture on Sept. 14 discussed global challenges to constitutionalism.

Clinics File Civil Rights Lawsuit Challenging Exclusionary Zoning in Connecticut
A new lawsuit brought by Yale Law School clinics challenges the zoning policies of Woodbridge, Connecticut.

New ISP White Paper Collection Discusses a Healthy Digital Public Sphere
The Information Society Project has launched the second collection of essays in its Digital Public Sphere series.

Prison Letters Project Responds to Incarcerated People
The Prison Letters Project seeks to amplify the voices of incarcerated individuals by ensuring every letter from a person in prison is answered.

Lawrence H. Summers to Deliver Winter Lecture on Oct. 3
Lawrence H. Summers will deliver the 2022–2023 Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture on Oct. 3.

Justyna Gudzowska ’04 Tells How Targeted Sanctions Can Leverage Human Rights
Justyna Gudzowska ’04 led the Sept. 15 Human Rights Workshop, “Targeted Sanctions as a Tool for Human Rights and Accountability.”

SFALP, the Opioid Epidemic, and Public Impact
The San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Clinic run by Dean Heather K. Gerken has been at the forefront of one of the largest complex litigations in the nation.