Multi-year Rosenkranz Originalism Conference Initiative Announced
Yale Law School announces the launch of a major new intellectual initiative, “The Rosenkranz Originalism Conference at Yale Law School.”

MFIA and CRIT Fight for Transparency to Protect Public Health and Safety
On March 25, 2019, the Yale Collaboration for Research Integrity and Transparency (CRIT) and leading nonprofit consumer advocacy groups Public Citizen and the Center for Science in the Public Interest filed a joint amicus brief at the Supreme Court with the assistance of students and supervising attorneys in Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic (MFIA).

NAACP and Rule of Law Clinic File New Challenge to 2020 Census Plans
The Rule of Law Clinic at the Law School helped the NAACP, Prince George’s County, Maryland, and other plaintiffs file new claims challenging parts of the U.S. Census Bureau’s final plan for conducting the 2020 Census.

Statement from Yale Law School on Nondiscrimination
A statement from Yale Law School on Nondiscrimination.

Bookbindings Tell A Story at the Law Library
The exhibition “Legally Binding: Fine and Historic Bindings from the Yale Law Library” is at the Lillian Goldman Law Library through May 24, 2019.

Unpacking “UNPACKED” with Mohamed Hafez
A Q&A with Syrian-born, New Haven, Connecticut artist and architect Mohamad Hafez about the exhibition UNPACKED.

Schell Center Fellow Spotlight: David Marshall
David Marshall, a Visiting Human Rights Fellow at the Schell Center for International Human Rights who has worked as a human rights lawyer with the U.N., talks about his experiences in this Q&A.

Bernstein Symposium to Feature Discussions of Refugee and Migrant Rights
This year’s Bernstein Human Rights Symposium — April 4-5, 2019 — will convene lawyers, scholars, activists, journalists, and artists to assess the international refugee regime.