Tort Law Key to Labor Case Before SCOTUS, Professor Witt Argues
The outcome of a case before the U.S. Supreme Court could cause issues for striking workers and courts for years to come, according to an amicus brief co-authored by Professor John Fabian Witt ’99.

Professor Bâli Named President of the Middle East Studies Association
Professor of Law Aslı Ü. Bâli was announced as the new President of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) during the group’s annual meeting held in Denver from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4.

Professor Koh Receives Sohn Human Rights Award
Sterling Professor of International Law Harold Hongju Koh received the Louis B. Sohn Human Rights Award from the U.N. Association of the National Capital Area at its 2022 Human Rights Awards ceremony on Dec. 9.

Professor NeJaime on the Respect for Marriage Act
Professor Douglas NeJaime assesses the impacts of the Respect for Marriage Act, which President Biden signed into law on Dec. 13.

Six Students Named 2023 Skadden Fellows
Six Law School students have been named 2023 Skadden Fellows.

Professor Hathaway Speaks at the Hague on ICC’s Jurisdiction
Professor Oona A. Hathaway ’97 spoke at the Hague on two panels addressing the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Report Finds Ongoing Challenges for Asian Americans in Law
A followup report to a 2017 study compares data on law school enrollment, career advancement, and political participation with that from five years earlier.

Lowenstein Clinic and Green Advocates Challenge Illegal Detention in Liberia
Human rights organization Green Advocates International, in collaboration with the Lowenstein Clinic, is calling on U.N. officials to investigate the detention of environmental and Indigenous human rights defenders in Liberia.