main reading room in the Law Library


Closed captioning has been provided for a number of Yale Law School’s recent videos and will be provided on an ongoing basis in the future. Please be advised that captions are made from video recordings and may be affected by the quality of the recording and contain errors and omissions. Please bring any errors to our attention by emailing

Lawrence H. Summers: Inflation Risks for America and the Global Economy

Lawrence H. Summers, the Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus of Harvard University, former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, and former Director of the National Economic Council, delivered the 2022–2023 Judge Ralph K. Winter Lecture on Oct. 3, 2022.

Joshua Rauh: Regulating Investment Management and Retirement Plans in the Age of ESG

Joshua D. Rauh delivered the John R. Raben/Sullivan & Cromwell Fellowship Lecture on Monday, Sept. 19, titled “Regulating Investment Management and Retirement Plans in the Age of ESG.”

Akriti Gaur ’22 LLM

A student perspective on the LL.M. program, and how Yale Law School offered theoretical foundations to previous experience as a tech lawyer.

Jammie Walker ’24

A student perspective on why Yale Law School is the place to figure out what sort of lawyer you want to be, and working with the Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic.

Poppy Harlow ’22 MSL

A student perspective on the M.S.L. program and what it was like to dive into the study of constitutional law, civil procedure, and criminal law as a journalist.

Soledad Hurst ’92

Soledad Hurst ’92 discusses her background and path to Yale Law School and her decision to be a founding donor of the Hurst Horizon Scholarship Program.

Carmela Castellano-Garcia ’91

Carmela Castellano-Garcia ’91 discusses her path to Yale Law School and her career after law school.

Rakim Brooks ’16

Rakim Brooks ’16 describes his path to Yale Law School and his career.