

With Gratitude

The Campaign for Baker Hall presented a historic opportunity for Yale Law School: the first permanent expansion since the completion of the Sterling Law Building in 1931, and the chance to return residential living to the Law School experience.

Following the announcement of the extraordinary $25 million gift from Robert C. and Christina Baker in 2013, a core group of generous benefactors contributed to the campaign’s success.

The Yale Law School community offers its profound gratitude to the following donors, whose contributions have helped to begin writing an exciting new chapter in the life of the School.

Baker Hall Named Spaces

Robert C. and Christina Baker Hall
With profound gratitude
to Christina and Robert C. Baker ’56 B.A., ’59 LL.B. 
For their dedicated leadership and generosity
Dedicated 2018
Joseph and Marie Field Courtyard
Gift of Marie H. and Joseph M. Field ’55 LL.B.
Tsai Lobby
Dedicated to Ruby and Paul C. Tsai ’54 LL.M., ’57 J.S.D.
Through the generosity of their son, Joseph C. Tsai ’86 B.A., ’90 J.D.
Paul Tsai Lecture Theater
Gift of Joseph C. Tsai ’86 B.A., ’90 J.D.
Hurst Student Center
Gift of Soledad DeLeon ’92 J.D. and Robert J. Hurst
Goldsmith Student Study Suite
Gift of the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Rosen Lounge
Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen ’70 J.D.
Greenberg Classroom
Gift of Joel I. Greenberg ’73 J.D.
Evans Lounge
Gift of Chandler Bass Evans ’04 J.D.
Star Classroom
Gift of James A. Star ’86 J.D.
Maidman Family Lounge
Gift of Richard H.M. Maidman, ’58 LL.B.,
Mitchel A. Maidman ’88 LAW, and
Dagny C. Maidman, ’94 J.D.
Tierney Student Study
Gift of Kevin H. Tierney ’67 LL.M.
Czaja Student Study
Gift of Richard F. Czaja ’71 B.A., ’74 J.D.
Fan Student Study
Gift of Lily M. Fan Arnold ’01 B.A., ’04 J.D.
Massey Student Study
Gift of the Massey Charitable Trust
DiBlasi Classroom
Gift of the Law School Class of 1978 and friends of Vince
In memory of Gandolfo Vincent DiBlasi ’75 B.A., ’78 J.D.


Christina and Robert C. Baker ’56 B.A., ’59 LL.B. 


Richard F. Czaja ’71 B.A., ’74 J.D.

David E. Drabkin ’68 LL.B.

Chandler Bass Evans ’04 J.D.

Lily Man-Lai Fan ’01 B.A., ’04 J.D.

Marie and Joseph M. Field ’55 LL.B. 

The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

Joel Greenberg ’73 J.D.

Soledad DeLeon Hurst ’92 J.D. and Robert Hurst

Marc R. Kromelow ’59 LL.B.

Dagny C. Maidman ’94, Mitchell Maidman, and the late Richard H.M. Maidman ’59 J.D.

David B. Massey ’92 B.A., ’97 J.D.

Jonathan P. Rosen ’70 J.D.

Patricia S. Skigen ’68 LL.B.

William A. Slaughter ’75 B.S., ’79 J.D., Charles L. Slaughter ’85 B.A., ’90 MPPM, and R. James Slaughter ’91 B.S., ’97 J.D.

Dietrich L. Snell ’78 B.A., ’82 J.D.

John W. Spiegel ’76 J.D.

Kevin H. Tierney ’67 LL.M.