magnolia in bloom against YLS in background

Officers of Administration

Heather Gerken
Heather K. Gerken
Yair Listokin
Yair Listokin
Deputy Dean
Fiona Doherty
Fiona Doherty
Deputy Dean for Experiential Education
Monica C. Bell
Monica C. Bell
Counselor to the Dean
Alvin Klevorick
Alvin K. Klevorick
Counselor to the Dean
Doug NeJaime
Douglas NeJaime
Counselor to the Dean
Michael Wishnie
Michael J. Wishnie
Counselor to the Dean

Associate Deans

Femi Cadmus
Femi Cadmus
Law Librarian and Professor of Law
Headshot of Jennifer Cerny
Jennifer Cerny
Associate Dean — Student Affairs, Career Development
Joe Crosby headshot
Joe Crosby
Senior Associate Dean — Finances, Human Resources, Information Technology
Headshot of Miriam Ingber
Miriam Ingber
Associate Dean — Admissions, Financial Aid
Debra Kroszner
Debra Kroszner
Associate Dean and Chief of Staff — Dean's Office, Public Affairs
Headshot of Monica Maldonado
Monica Maldonado
Associate Dean — Academic Affairs, Registrar
Kristen Rozansky
Kristen Rozansky
Associate Dean — Alumni Engagement, Development

Assistant Deans

Craig Janecek
Craig Janecek
Assistant Dean
Headshot of Gordon Silverstein
Gordon Silverstein
Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs
Headshot of Kelly Voight
Kelly Voight
Assistant Dean