
Our Faculty

Members of the Yale Law School faculty include some of the nation’s most prominent scholars in every area of law, along with leading experts in economics, philosophy, and history

Faculty Type

Marisol Orihuela

Clinical Professor of Law
Courses Taught
Mental Health Justice Clinic
Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic
Marisol Orihuela

Nor Ortiz

Lecturer in Legal Research and the Technology and Research Librarian, Lillian Goldman Law Library
Courses Taught
Practical AI
headshot of Nor Ortiz

Anjali Pathmanathan

Visiting Lecturer in Law, Criminal Legal Clinic Fellow, and Associate Research Scholar in Law
Courses Taught
Criminal Justice Clinic
Challenging Mass Incarceration Clinic
Criminal Justice Advocacy Clinic
Anjali Pathmanathan stands smiling at the camera with her arms crossed.

Deborah L. Paul

Visiting Lecturer in Law
Courses Taught
International Taxation
Deborah Paul's portrait photo

Today is a wonderful time to be blessed with legal training and to be able to go out and take on the enormous challenges of a difficult world — with an aspiration to lead tempered by humility at the complexity, difficulty, discipline, and self-sacrifice inherent in the task.