
Grades at Yale Law School

Explanation of Grading System

Beginning September 2015 to date


HONORSPerformance in the course demonstrates superior mastery of the subject.

PASSSuccessful performance in the course.

LOW PASSPerformance in the course is below the level that on average is required for the award of a degree.

The course has been completed satisfactorily without further specification of level of performance.

All first-term required courses are offered only on a credit-fail basis.

Certain advanced courses are offered only on a credit-fail basis.

FAILURENo credit is given for the course.
CRGCredit for work completed at another school as part of an approved joint-degree program;
counts toward the graded unit requirement.
RCRequirement completed; indicates J.D. participation in Moot Court or Barrister’s Union.
TUngraded transfer credit for work done at another law school.

TGTransfer credit for work completed at another law school; counts toward graded unit requirement.
EXTIn-progress work for which an extension has been approved.
INCLate work for which no extension has been approved.

NCRNo credit given because of late withdrawal from course or other reason noted in term comments.

Our current grading system does not allow the computation of grade point averages.  Individual class rank is not computed.  There is no required curve for grades in Yale Law School classes.

Classes matriculating September 2005 to date must have successfully completed 83 credits for the J.D. degree.  A student must have completed 24 semester hours for the LL.M. (Master of Laws) degree and 27 semester hours for the M.S.L. (Master of Studies in Law) degree.  The J.S.D. (Doctor of the Science of Law) degree is awarded upon approval of a thesis that is a substantial contribution to legal scholarship.

Explanation of Yale Law School Grading System Prior to 2015


Beginning Fall 2024

Classes in which 25 or more law students take an examination are subject to a faculty-endorsed grading norm concerning the share of Honors grades. Honors grades are to be given to approximately one third of students who took the examination. 

Classes designated with ^ were subject to this grading norm and conformed.

Classes designated with + were subject to this grading norm but exceeded the approved share of Honors grades.


Course NumberCourse TitleInstructor(s)Designation
LAW 20012Professional ResponsibilityAtkins, D.^
LAW 20013PropertyPriest, C.+
LAW 20066LegislationGluck, A.+
LAW 20170Administrative LawJolls, C.^
LAW 20219Business OrganizationsMacey, J.^
LAW 20222Federal Income TaxationLiscow, Z.+
LAW 20270Criminal Procedure: AdjudicationShechtman, P.^
LAW 20344Advanced Administrative LawParrillo, N.+
LAW 20366Federal CourtsSmith, F.^
LAW 20547Immigration LawGuttentag, L.^
LAW 20557Torts and RegulationKysar, D.^
LAW 20629AntitrustPosner, E.^

Last updated: February 27, 2025