
Judicial Clerkships

YLS graduates have an excellent record of securing judicial clerkships at the state and federal level; a number have worked in courts outside the U.S. as well. CDO assists students and alumni seeking judicial clerkships in many ways, including a dedicated attorney counselor, three CDO guides on clerking, a host of additional resources, along with a variety of programs during the year. 

YLS Clerkship Resources for Applicants
The Clerkship SharePoint site is CDO’s hub with a continuously growing and updated collection of materials. There, all applicants will find the materials they need to successfully master the clerkship-application process.

Alumni who are applying for judicial clerkships should contact CDO at clerkship@yale.edu for access to the YLS Clerkship SharePoint site and the CMS clerkship module. Annually, each January, CDO will archive all alumni accounts to prepare for the new year ahead. CDO will send a reminder email about this policy each December to alumni clerkship seekers. After the archiving process, alumni may contact CDO to request renewed access to these resources.    

YLS Clerkship Resources for Faculty and Staff
Professors and Faculty Assistants preparing recommendation letters will find information on clerks and judges, judge research and advising resources, and materials on uploading and producing recommendation letters on this page.