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Conducting the Interview

Conducting the Interview

  • Arrive at least 5-10 minutes early. If interviewing in-person, bring all requested materials and a photo ID.
  • Exhibit enthusiasm through body language and tone of voice - smile, make eye contact, sit up straight or lean in. Particularly with phone interviews, where they cannot see you, use simple verbal affirmations like “sounds great”, “interesting”.
  • In everyday conversation we tend to interrupt one another. In an interview, allow the interviewer to complete their thought prior to responding.
  • Be an active participant in the process. If there is a lull in the conversation, fill it in! The interview should flow more like a conversation than an interrogation. Don’t give one-word answers or drone on too long. Provide relevant, interesting anecdotes in response to questions.
  • Seize opportunities to share your strengths and the reasons for your interest in the position. That said, you must go with the flow of the conversation. Ultimately, if you end up having a good conversation that you both enjoy, you’ve done your job.
  • Be positive! Complaining will give off the impression that you are difficult to please and/or to get along with.
  • Don’t take notes, as this interferes with your ability to make good eye contact and be present. Take notes afterwards!
  • For advice on navigating interview questions you find inappropriate, refer to the Knowing your Rights and Reporting Options section of this site.
  • For specific advice about law firm callback interviews, click here.