Miriam Gohara to Join Yale Law School Faculty
Dean Robert C. Post ’77 has announced the appointment of Miriam Gohara to the Yale Law School faculty. She will join as a clinical associate professor of law on January 1, 2017.

Yale Law School Community Reflects on Election
Following the presidential election, the Yale Law School community has been holding discussions to reflect on the important questions that have been raised during the campaign and analyze how law and policy will be shaped over the next four years.

Justice Liu ’98 and Students Present Extensive Study on Asian American Lawyers
Yale Law School students Eric Chung ’17, Xiaonan April Hu ’17, and Christine Kwon ’17 recently joined California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu ’98 to present initial findings from their multi-year research study “A Portrait of Asian Americans in the Law.

Library Exhibit Talk on Renaissance Venice
The role of imagery in the governance of Renaissance Venice will be explored in an exhibit talk sponsored by the Yale Law Library. Christopher W. Platts will speak on "Representing the Law in Renaissance Venice: Images of Authority from the Reigns of Doges Leonardo Loredan (1501–21) and Andrea Gritti (1523–38)" on November 11, 2016, at 1 pm in Room 121 of the Yale Law School. Platts co-curated the Law Library's current exhibition, "Representing the Law in the Most Serene Republic: Images of Authority from Renaissance Venice," with Mike Widener, the Law Library's rare book librarian. The...

Alumni Weekend 2016 Highlights
The 2016 Yale Law School Alumni Weekend took place on October 21-23, featuring special class reunion events and an array of panels focusing on pressing current issues from community policing and climate change to health law and national security.

Passion for Food Law Grows at Yale Law School
With a growing interest in food law and policy at YLS, students and the administration are creating more opportunities to engage in this emerging area of law.

Doctoral Scholarship Conference Will Be Held November 11–12
The Doctoral Scholarship Conference provides a platform for doctoral students and recent graduates to present, share, and debate their scholarly work.

Dean Post to Speak at Symposium on 'Truth in the Internet Age'
“Truth in the Internet Age” is the focus of a Yale symposium to be held on campus on Wednesday, Nov. 9, the day after the 2016 presidential election. Dean Robert C. Post will speak at the event.