Rule of Law Clinic Files Suit to Prevent Undercount in 2020 Census
The Rule of Law Clinic filed a lawsuit on Nov. 26, 2019, in federal court in Manhattan challenging five structural deficiencies in the U.S. Census Bureau’s final operational plans for the 2020 Census.

Advanced Sentencing Clinic Hosts Parole Panel and Documentary Screening
On Monday, November 18, 2019, the Advanced Sentencing Clinic at Yale Law School hosted a screening of the Frontline documentary “Life on Parole,” which follows the lives of four individuals on parole in Connecticut.

SFALP Helps Block “Conscience Rule” Nationwide
Students in the San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Clinic (SFALP) helped the San Francisco City Attorney's Office in a lawsuit over the so-called “conscience rule.”

Professor Yaffe on Philosophy and Psychology of Criminal Justice
A Q&A with Gideon Yaffe, Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld Professor of Jurisprudence, Professor of Philosophy, and Professor of Psychology at Yale.

Ludwig Center Report Advocates for Accessible Banking Features
On November 6, 2019, the Ludwig Center for Community and Economic Development at Yale Law School, together with the Program for Recovery and Community Health at the Yale Department of Psychiatry and the Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation, Inc., presented a report, “Banking for All: Why Financial Institutions Need to Offer Supportive Banking Features.

Cristina Vélez Valencia Discusses Social Programs for Venezuelan Refugees
Cristina Vélez Valencia, a Yale Greenberg World Fellow and the former Secretary for Social Integration for the Mayoralty of Bogotá, spoke on November 13, 2019 about her recent efforts to implement programs for the “unprecedented” number of Venezuelan refugees crossing the border into Colombia.

Justice Collaboratory Releases Report on NYC Citizen Engagement with Government
The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School has released a report based on a community study completed on behalf of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) looking into New Yorkers engagement with the city government.

WIRAC Heads to Supreme Court in Suit Defending DACA
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case brought by the Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic (WIRAC) and co-counsel, along with other related cases, challenging the Trump Administration’s recission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.