A view of the Sol Goldman courtyard through an arch facing the main Sterling Law building.

Information for Incoming Students

Welcome to Yale Law School!  Whether you are a new student to Yale or a returning student who will be joining us at YLS this fall, we would like to address some frequently asked questions.  If you need any additional help, please reach out to us at law.help@yale.edu

To start, you may want to visit https://studenttechnology.yale.edu/new-students - this page has information about many of the resources available to all Yale students, including those at YLS. 

Getting Started

Please contact us at law.help@yale.edu or submit a help request at helpdesk.law.yale.edu.

IT Resources

Yale Law Students use the Microsoft Office365 email service. If you were previously at Yale as an undergraduate or are primarily enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, you may have an EliApps (Google) account. Please contact law.help@yale.edu to have your account migrated to an Office365 account as you may experience difficulties and have reduced access to resources with an EliApps account.

At Yale, you will primarily use the Yale Secure wi-fi network. It is a WPA enterprise secured network and is available throughout campus. If you travel to other universities, Yale participates in the Eduroam wi-fi roaming service, which allows you to access secure wi-fi access points at many colleges and universities throughout the world.  

Yale students are provided printing credits to utilize the Yale Blueprint printing service throughout campus. At the Law School, you can print on L2 of the Law Library.  Five printers, including two with multifunction copying and scanning abilities, are set up for your use. Visit law.yale.edu/printing for information on configuring your computer for use with this service.

Enroll at mfa.its.yale.edu. For more information about the Duo multi-factor authentication service, visit law.yale.edu/mfa.   

Download the Cisco AnyConnect software client at software.yale.edu. For more information about VPN, visit law.yale.edu/vpn

Students may take a one-time COAP eligible student loan from Financial Aid. More information about the student hardware purchase program, which gives students the option for no out of pocket costs, view the student purchase page.


Students may utilize Adobe Creative Cloud on their personal devices.  Visit the Yale software site to activate your license, then visit the Adobe Creative Cloud site to download the Creative Cloud installer, which will then allow you to download and install individual applications as needed.

YLS has licensed Grammarly for students.  Please contact law.help@yale.edu to request a license.

Law Students can download a copy of Microsoft Office for Mac or Windows free of charge.  To do so, follow these instructions to install Office for “Non-managed device users”

Yale utilizes Zoom for remote classes. Visit yale.zoom.us to download the software. Sign in via SSO to ensure that you have a pro license that will allow you to host meetings without a time limit.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have an older laptop (pre-2017) we strongly urge you to purchase a new laptop.  Any new computer will meet the minimum requirements and should support you through your three years.   If you are planning on using an older laptop, it should have Windows 10 64-bit, with at least 8 GB of RAM. For Macbook Airs/Macbook Pros, we recommend 8GB of RAM and Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) or later.

The majority of student laptops at YLS are Apple MacBook Airs or MacBook Pros. We strongly recommend purchasing an AppleCare+ warranty or some other warranty coverage (such as Squaretrade) which will extend coverage to a total of three years. In-warranty Macs are serviced on-site at YLS or at the on-campus Apple Store.  There is an additional service fee for accidental damage (spills and drops) with Apple computers, though if you purchase your Apple laptop through the Student Technology Purchase Program, there are no additional service fees for accidental damage.  We also support Boot Camp installation of Windows on Macs so you don't have to leave the world of Windows behind.

If you decide to use a PC, we strongly encourage you to purchase a Lenovo laptop through GovConnection, which has significantly discounted pricing available to Yale affiliates.  These computers come with an excellent four year onsite warranty that covers all repairs, including accidental damage, as well as the ability to keep your hard drive if for any reason it fails. We have certified techs on staff and can better assist you should your laptop need repair.

If you choose to purchase a different brand, buy one with a three-year warranty from a major manufacturer such as HP, Dell, or Toshiba. When comparing notebook computers, ask about the turn-around time for warranty repairs. Many students find it very difficult to be without a computer for a week or more while waiting for a repair to be completed. You may also wish to inquire about what the warranty covers. Some standard laptop warranties exclude the LCD display and a broken display can be quite costly to repair (up to $1,000.00).

We only support Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina) or higher. If you buy a new computer make sure it has one of these operating systems installed.

The Law School has licensing for Microsoft Office (one license per student). You can download this software at OnTheHub.

The Law School computer cluster has high-speed laser printers for printing longer documents. There is a charge per page to print on these printers, but YLS IT does provide you a printing stipend that should cover your academic needs.

You will receive information on your email and network access account from Yale University by email in June.